Wednesday, June 10, 2020

About the project


A SEED is a small, dry, and hard compact piece of energy. To push up through the earth to become more than possibility a seed requires a convergence of nourishing actions and beneficial happenstance over which the seed itself has no control. Seeds must fall or be planted into hospitable soil. They must get enough (but not too much) water, sunlight, and nutrition. They must be protected !
Our children arrive to us in similar circumstances.Future yet to be revealed, cultivation required immediately. The nurturng that a child needs to blossom comes first from the home and family into which they fall. But, when we begin to raise a child we cannot know what sort of "ground" will be best for them, because we cannot know what sort of "flower" they have the potential to become.
As parents,as teachers,as society we have to think of them much...